Borut Gombač
Bas je celina pod črto gladine,
mogočno gorovje od vznožja navzdol.
Širina trenutka, brezčasje globine,
skrita esenca ostalih glasov.
Bas ima dolg in odločen korak,
je val iz podtalja, vulkanski dotik.
Preden ga slišiš, že sliši ga zrak,
v vesolju večglasja časovni zamik.
Membrane v nizkih frekvencah drhtijo,
s trebušno prepono jih čuti telo.
Glasilke v brezdanjih zvonovih donijo,
bas lahko sliši celo gluho uho.
Je delta in hkrati skrivnostni izvir,
strast in prastara zveneča modrost;
preteklost, sedanjost, prihodnost in most,
ki bitke površja poveže v mir.
In reference to performance of Ode to Basses, Institute for Bass Sciences issues:
RECOMMENDATION NO. IBS-7 (to performers of Ode to Basses):
Until this recommendation is recalled, Ode to basses when performing in public places and in cases that a minimal recommended social distance could not be assured should be performed with a closed mouth, with visualization of the lyrics only and with a necessary required breathing only.
In order to support the implementation of this recommendation, IBS COVID-19 approved note sheets.