Ode to Basses

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Oda ad bassum (music by Andrej Makor) (acapella, with piano)

The institute started developing the experimental project Ode to Basses in 2016, when it was decided that something truly extraordinary and astounding should be prepared for the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the proclamation of Bass Day, March 30 which was in 2020.

Among other things, the Institute issued the literary competition for a lyrical text of the Ode to Basses, to which two authors replied, but both missed the deadline as expected, so The Board for Muted Magnificence in Bass Promotion did not comment publicly on the contributions.

Well, the year of the 25th anniversary of the proclamation of Bass Day, the year 2020 – as we know – passed peacefully, without any special events.

A little delay of the celebration (planned already for 2021!), is attributed to the so-called Bass Phenomenon, which already in 1996 explained the apparent bass lag, which was – before this groundbreaking scientific discovery – unjustifiably attributed to the apparent non-ideal talents of basses. This hypothesis was scientifically not confirmed by Institute.

Experts from the Institute of Bass Sciences are constantly discovering new mutations of Ode to basses. The current work in the laboratories of the Institute is carried out on the following variants: